Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Gap

My dear friend Rachel gave this to Mr. C in a birthday card over the weekend.  I instantly loved it and pinned it to my bulletin board.
It seems fitting because I just finished my first resume and cover letter in ohhhh....maybe ten years?  And then actually got up the courage to send it out. 
Never mind the extremely large, unaccounted for GAP in my work history.
Never mind technology was a totally different animal when I was in the workforce- can you say dial-up with that horrible, actual "dial-up" noise you had to endure while you patiently waited to be connected to your server?
I remember when they came into our neighborhood (in California, no less) to actually "lay the cables underground".  
Groundbreaking.  No pun intended.

My, some things have certainly changed out there, but drive, creativity and energetic minds remain the same .  Just because I haven't been involved professionally in the work force doesn't mean I have not kept up; that I have not paid attention.  My resume can't possibly convey my experiences over the past eight years, and let me tell you, some of it kicks what happens in the office setting.
I'm just sayin'- don't exclude The Mom's of the world from re-entering the workplace just because they have that dreaded GAP from staying home to raise our kids.  
They, we, ME have been giving birth, breast feeding, potty training, nurturing, making meals, nursing colds, wiping noses, tears and various other body parts, negotiating squabbles, soothing hurt feelings, losing sleep about what happens at school, fretting over every decision right down to "should I buy organic or non-organic milk??"
(The answer in my book is organic.)

But anyway, we've got something to give, to contribute, something valuable to say.
Don't dismiss what happens in The Gap.

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