Monday, January 2, 2012

"You Say You Want a Resolution..."

Because you actually think you'll keep one?  I always find this a strange tradition, this resolution business.  Do you really want to stop eating chocolate?  Lose 20 pounds?  Quit smoking?  I have never made a conscious decision to make a resolution on New Years because if there is something you should change about yourself or a goal you want to achieve, you should really just set out to do it the minute you discover you need to.  Follow me?
I think everyone wants to be their best self; their most sensitive, caring, giving, fun, disciplined, loyal, honorable self.  At least the folks I know do.  But every now and then people fail, they fall, and they disappoint one another and themselves.  Such is life, so why make well intended, yet rarely fulfilled promises that will ultimately leave you disappointed?  I think it's a stupid practice and I resolved long ago not to make resolutions.  Simply live your life the best you can and the rest will follow.  I believe that.  If you have to make a resolution make it one you can believe in, that way you are sure to succeed because at the end of the day all we have is our faith and beliefs in whatever makes us happy, proud, honest, and whole.  That is my mantra and although some days it's more difficult than others, it's there, solid as a rock.  The best resolution I ever made was to never make one again.

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