So, hot pink toenail polish has now become a political statement?
Really?! Seriously?!
I can't believe the right-angled wing nuts over at Fox News are making a big deal about THIS page in a J. Crew catalog. Creative director and loving mother, Jenna Lyons painting her son Beckett's toenails pink...national news? Really? I am astonished. Truly stunned. Dr. Keith Ablow called the spread a "dramatic example of the way that our culture is being encouraged to abandon all trappings of gender identity- homogenizing males and females." Wow.
Ummm, can you say, really, seriously PARANOID?!
Boys are not allowed to like pink? Girls shouldn't play with trucks? What if the spread featured Lyons with a daughter in short hair, digging in the dirt with a toy excavator? Who cares- what I would hope one would see when looking at the catalog is the delicious smile on the boys face, the gentle touch of a mother's hand to her sons precious toes. The image is simply advertising the ease of which J. Crew clothing allows one to enjoy a relaxing weekend- coloring, painting toenails, hanging out with family. We have a good friend (Uncle Bub/Mr. Vegas, you remember him) that routinely allows his daughter to paint his toenails. Is this sending a signal to his son that he might be gay or transgender? Sounds absurd, right? That's what the Fox article was saying. When Mr. C mows the lawn in his light pink Bermuda shorts is he telling the entire neighborhood and our three sons he prefers men over me? I don't think so, but many out there believe otherwise. Breaking news, those of you that believe hot pink toenail polish is sending mixed gender identity signals- IT DOESN'T MEAN YOUR SON IS GAY!!!
Pink is pink, people. It's just a color, not an indication of sexual preference.
If your daughter wants to wear fatigues and play with G.I. Joe men, not all signs are pointing that she's a lesbian. Hello! People are born the way they are born and no amount of little boy pedicures in pretty colors are going to turn your kid gay. My son likes to walk around in my heels, another son went through a lavender phase. Gay? Who knows, but the point should be...
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