I am jumping up and down because we got tickets to Jim Denevan's coast to coast moveable feast, known as Outstanding in the Field. Whatever does that mean, you ask? It means we scored two spots at one of Mr. Denevan's long, winding tables that are literally set up in the middle of the field to "honor the people whose good work brings nourishment to the table" and "to reconnect diners to the land and the origins of their food". Through local dedicated chefs and farmers, Outstanding in the Field treats it's guests to a culinary experience that is literally a "restaurant without walls". On July 26th in Minnesota, Outstanding in the Field has paired up once again with celebrated chef Scott Pampuch of Corner Table and the dinner will take place at Riverbend Farm in Delano. Go here to purchase tickets for an incredible farm to table event.
(Every event these guys do across the country, sells out. Fast. Buy your tickets today!)

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