This "Little Fella", (as he calls himself) would like to make you smile on this cold, windy, rainy, "Spring" day.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Voice
My friend, singer and songwriter Tim Mahoney has been a regular star on the Minnesota music scene for at least the past fifteen years, but I think he got his real start when he played my high school graduation party in my backyard. Yeah, yeah, that was a long time ago, but it looks like after paying his dues, and paying his dues some more, my talented and determined friend might finally get his big break.
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Minnesota hometown favorite, Tim Mahoney |
The Voice (I swear I am not getting any kickbacks from NBC) which airs Tuesday, April 26th on NBC will feature Tim as one of it's front runners. The show has Christina Aguillera, Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Cee Lo Green and Blake Shelton blindly listening to contestants and choosing them solely by their voice. Compelling concept, but I must argue that a star singer needs to have the full package in order to succeed. Good looks help (which makes for a good argument when it comes to Ke$ha's success. yikes!), stage presence is a must, and of course, the obvious is the power of the pipes, ya gotta have the pipes or you are going nowhere. Fast.
I believe the combo factor is the key to success and I think Tim has what it takes. He is not only an energetic, fantastic singer with a powerful, earthy voice, but
Tim is a seriously talented guitar and piano player. Mix it all together with hip fashion sense, boyish good lucks, and media savvy, (not to mention, the ah, "confidence" shall we say, that it takes to succeed in the music industry), and Tim is the perfect package.
I believe the combo factor is the key to success and I think Tim has what it takes. He is not only an energetic, fantastic singer with a powerful, earthy voice, but
Tim is a seriously talented guitar and piano player. Mix it all together with hip fashion sense, boyish good lucks, and media savvy, (not to mention, the ah, "confidence" shall we say, that it takes to succeed in the music industry), and Tim is the perfect package.
I am going to ignore the teaser comment from Adam Levine to Tim that has been airing for the last week, "umm, things are going to get awkward for a minute- I thought you were a chick." Not sure if any of you have ever seen Maroon 5 perform live, but let's just say Mr. Levine has a certain prancy/dancy style goin' on up on the stage that makes me think he should not be judging Tim's masculinity.
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Watch Tim Tuesday night on NBC at 8pm |
Minnesota will be rooting for our hometown boy on Tuesday night.
Ask Tim what that means...I haven't a clue.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The End of an Era
Today winery legend and California Chardonnay icon, Jess Jackson, passed on due to complications from cancer. The powerful presence and brilliant mind behind the Kendall Jackson empire will be remembered for so many contributions not only to the wine business, but the worlds of law, philanthropy, and horse racing, to name just a few.
Toast his long and meaningful life with a glass of Kendall Jackson, Edmeades, Stonestreet, Cambria, or one of the numerous labels in his family owned wine holding company.
Mr. Jackson will not be forgotten.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Grandpa Zeke
Parenthood airs Tuesdays on NBC at 9pm
Everybody has one. That relative, you know the one- maybe a crazy uncle, a flamboyant brother, an overbearing mother. Well, I have Grandpa Zeke from Parenthood. My Dad looks like, talks like, IS Zeke Braverman. Hell, he even calls himself Grandpa Zeke! But this is not a crazy, flamboyant, overbearing character situation- as colorful as Zeke may be, the comparison is a good one. Zeke is quirky, old fashioned, slightly grumpy, narrow minded, outspoken, yet extremely lovable.
If you don't watch NBC's sleeper comedy/drama series, Parenthood, you're missing out. I love it not only for the fabulous cast (Craig T. Nelson! Lauren Graham! Peter Krauss! John Corbett! Mae Whitman! Bonnie Bedelia! Dax Shepherd! etc., etc., etc.), but for the Bay Area setting, the fact that it has the ability to make me laugh and cry in a single episode, and that it has actually made me and Mr. C pause the show and say, "what would we do in a situation like that?"
If you don't watch NBC's sleeper comedy/drama series, Parenthood, you're missing out. I love it not only for the fabulous cast (Craig T. Nelson! Lauren Graham! Peter Krauss! John Corbett! Mae Whitman! Bonnie Bedelia! Dax Shepherd! etc., etc., etc.), but for the Bay Area setting, the fact that it has the ability to make me laugh and cry in a single episode, and that it has actually made me and Mr. C pause the show and say, "what would we do in a situation like that?"
Last night was one of those episodes...
Lauren Graham's character is pretty much a single mom to Amber, played by Mae Whitman (remember the heartbreaking little girl in the mid 90's movie "When a Man Loves a Woman"'s her! All grown up!), a high school senior who recently received the big nasty rejection letter from UC Berkeley. In her disappointment, Amber kinda goes off the deep end getting stoned and screwing around with the shaggy valet at her aunt's law firm, generally just giving off that "fuck you" vibe every time she rolls her bloodshot eyes under her heavy black glasses. Follow me? Well, long story short, Amber goes for a joyride with this sleazy, suspicious valet and well, you guessed it, ends up in the hospital after he crashes the car leaving her with a messed up face and some cracked ribs. Yet even after all the drama, Amber is still despondent, acting like she could give a shit about her future.
This is the point where we hit PAUSE on the TV at home.
This is the point where we hit PAUSE on the TV at home.
You see, watching Parenthood together is a typical Tuesday night at our house. Mr. C and I have actually argued about some of the topics on this show so heatedly that one of us has had to leave the room (me), allowing the mood to simmer so that we can continue watching the show the following night with a new perspective. Crazy, I know. But I digress- during last night's episode when Amber is still pissing and moaning about her non-existent future, I turn to Mr. C in a near panic.
"What in the world would we do if that happens to one of our boys!!!???"
Answer- Grandpa Zeke.
This dude never fails to bring it all back around. If you haven't seen the episode, I won't spoil it for you but let's just say Grandpa Z brought Amber to tears and cracked through her tough girl Goth exterior and snapped her back to the cool, brilliant kid she is. But to know Zeke is to love Zeke. His lessons can be a bit unorthodox, a little dated. Let's just say, a little "Zeke-ish". At this stage in his life he seems to learn just as much from his kids and grand kids as they do from him. His advice can be harsh, but caring; insensitive at times, but well intentioned; caustic, yet meaningful.
We love the fictional Zeke, but we love our real life Grandpa Z more, and we are counting on you.
Counting on you for some profound words when you know who tries to hijack Mr. C's car with a six pack of beer, five friends, and no drivers license. We will need you to be at the big game when the boys don't win and their hearts and egos are deflated. We will need you when our parenting skills fail us and the boys don't want our guidance or advice. You will need to be the voice of reason, the soft place to fall, the Zeke that took Amber to see the destroyed car that could have destroyed her life.
Everyone should be so lucky to have their own Grandpa Zeke.
Craig T. Nelson as Grandpa Zeke on NBC's Parenthood
Thursday, April 14, 2011
by Christian Codding- age 6
by Flynn Codding- age 8
I am going to take a moment to brag. My kids did these- Christian's in paint and Flynn's in chalk. It is amazing how much their art reflects their personalities. Christian's "Crazy, Colorful Man" is loud, layered, bold, expressive, and obviously chock full of color, just like him. Flynn's piece is subdued, controlled, restrained, perfectly "correct" and realistically shaded at every curve. I love them and they are framed in my house and I seriously admire them each day. I have yet to frame Cooper's "bubble people" pencil drawings that strangely resemble the sad creatures featured in the Zoloft commercials, but he's experimenting and we taped them all over his wall.
I am not an artist. I don't like drawing or painting and art projects were not much of an activity at home when my guys were little, which I think is why I am so in awe of what they are producing at school. How can my little jock produce such Picassoesque portraits? Where does my very literal, pragmatic son find the depth to create such an exceptional still life that it almost looks real?
They amaze me, these kids. They inspire me, these little boys. There is no end to what they can do and they are not bound by limits. Their world is wide open with possibilities, hopes and dreams, and I feel privileged that they bring me along for the ride each day.
Thanks boys, I love you.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Red, White, and Hot Pink?

So, hot pink toenail polish has now become a political statement?
Really?! Seriously?!
I can't believe the right-angled wing nuts over at Fox News are making a big deal about THIS page in a J. Crew catalog. Creative director and loving mother, Jenna Lyons painting her son Beckett's toenails pink...national news? Really? I am astonished. Truly stunned. Dr. Keith Ablow called the spread a "dramatic example of the way that our culture is being encouraged to abandon all trappings of gender identity- homogenizing males and females." Wow.
Ummm, can you say, really, seriously PARANOID?!
Boys are not allowed to like pink? Girls shouldn't play with trucks? What if the spread featured Lyons with a daughter in short hair, digging in the dirt with a toy excavator? Who cares- what I would hope one would see when looking at the catalog is the delicious smile on the boys face, the gentle touch of a mother's hand to her sons precious toes. The image is simply advertising the ease of which J. Crew clothing allows one to enjoy a relaxing weekend- coloring, painting toenails, hanging out with family. We have a good friend (Uncle Bub/Mr. Vegas, you remember him) that routinely allows his daughter to paint his toenails. Is this sending a signal to his son that he might be gay or transgender? Sounds absurd, right? That's what the Fox article was saying. When Mr. C mows the lawn in his light pink Bermuda shorts is he telling the entire neighborhood and our three sons he prefers men over me? I don't think so, but many out there believe otherwise. Breaking news, those of you that believe hot pink toenail polish is sending mixed gender identity signals- IT DOESN'T MEAN YOUR SON IS GAY!!!
Pink is pink, people. It's just a color, not an indication of sexual preference.
If your daughter wants to wear fatigues and play with G.I. Joe men, not all signs are pointing that she's a lesbian. Hello! People are born the way they are born and no amount of little boy pedicures in pretty colors are going to turn your kid gay. My son likes to walk around in my heels, another son went through a lavender phase. Gay? Who knows, but the point should be...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Outstanding in the Field
I am jumping up and down because we got tickets to Jim Denevan's coast to coast moveable feast, known as Outstanding in the Field. Whatever does that mean, you ask? It means we scored two spots at one of Mr. Denevan's long, winding tables that are literally set up in the middle of the field to "honor the people whose good work brings nourishment to the table" and "to reconnect diners to the land and the origins of their food". Through local dedicated chefs and farmers, Outstanding in the Field treats it's guests to a culinary experience that is literally a "restaurant without walls". On July 26th in Minnesota, Outstanding in the Field has paired up once again with celebrated chef Scott Pampuch of Corner Table and the dinner will take place at Riverbend Farm in Delano. Go here to purchase tickets for an incredible farm to table event.
(Every event these guys do across the country, sells out. Fast. Buy your tickets today!)

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Welcome to the Jungle

If you like adventure, solitude, and lush palm trees lined up and down a deserted endless beach, then Costa Rica might be for you. I seriously thought Tattoo and Mr. Roarke would be standing at the end of the dirt/grass landing strip, frothy cocktails in hand, to greet our Cessna when it laded in tiny Tambor, Costa Rica, the gateway to the Nicoya Peninsula. Our trip deep into the jungle of this spectacular country showed us more than we imagined- warm waters that rolled out the most fantastic waves each day (complete with large sea turtle swimming next to us), the resort's resident iguana peeking in on us each morning, an exhilarating tree top canopy tour where we zip lined from platform to platform while viewing the most breathtaking views out across the Pacific Ocean. We explored miles of sandy beaches on ATV's while discovering secret coves, one discretely protecting Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady's vacation hideaway. We ate fresh fish every day and the staff at our tiny resort, Pranamar Villas, pampered us with exotic drinks and special dishes all week. A truly amazing experience that was most certainly the trip of a lifetime.
We spent long, lazy days walking up and down the beach, never seeing another soul. We lounged on our veranda, books and drinks in hand reading and relaxing, hearing nothing but the sound of the waves and the call of the birds.
The wildlife was incredible. Luckily it was the dry season, so to our surprise (and delight) there were absolutely no bugs, flying or crawling. But the iguanas were plentiful and kept the kids busy for hours- watching, stalking, and luckily never successfully capturing any. We witnessed a gorgeous species of crab announce the beginning of the rainy season by making their way down the mountain to the beach; getting lost and detoured by our open air bathroom, swimming pool, veranda, and the restaurant. They are a beautiful blueish orange and when they finally arrive at their beach destination they bury themselves so deep in the sand that an enormous pile has accumulated above them. Up and down the beach for twenty four hours we witnessed these amazing creatures secure their place in the Eco-chain by making mountain after mountain of sand, disappearing to God knows where. The next day it was as if the Earth swallowed them up and delivered them to safety...wherever that may be. Not a crab to be seen.
I must admit that when it comes to vacation I am perfectly content lounging for a week straight, drink in hand, enjoying the occasional swim in the pool or romp in the waves. Costa Rica, in spite of the intense heat and humidity, begs you to explore, hike, surf, snorkel, and zip line. But whether you are the lounging or active type, Costa Rica will still reveal it's treasures to you. While out exploring we saw sea turtles floating in the waves, gorgeous views over the canopy of trees while zip lining, a strange variation of squirrel searching for nuts on the side of the road, or those crazy crabs again literally covering the dirt road at night in search of the beach. Unfortunately, some of them never quite made it as they became victim to ATV wheels and SUV tires.
I knew Costa Rica had monkeys. Three species to be exact, but the Nicoya Peninsula is home to the elusive Howler Monkey, perhaps the coolest primate of all. As I said in earlier posts, there were no clocks at the resort and we were never quite sure what time of day it actually was. We figured out daytime needs by when we felt the urge to eat, drink, or nap, and we marked the end of the day by the call of the Howler Monkey. Next to the Blue Whale, these buggers are the loudest creatures on Planet Earth. No joke. And when you get a pack of them jumping through the branches of the resort, it is quite a spectacular show. We actually only SAW them once, but HEARD them every day at sunrise and sunset. It took a few days to figure out exactly what the eerie, guttural, primal hum was that literally vibrated through the trees with the intensity of a freight train. One morning with the sun barely peeking through, I thought the yogi's were finishing up a rather spirited class with a powerful, collective "OMMMMM". Nope. Just the monkeys saying good morning. Another day just after the sunset was swallowed up by the Pacific I headed to my open air shower to cool off. The four walls started to almost sing with the deepest octave my human ears have ever heard. Were the people in the house next to the resort turning up the bass on the stereo to start a little sunset soiree? I had not a clue, but yes, you guessed it. The monkeys. Watch the video and if you can ignore the unsteady hand and occasional commentary of the nine year old videographer, you will no doubt be mesmorized by the magical Howler Monkey.
Entranced, enchanted, thoroughly captivated. We will be back. We are in love with Costa Rica and completely embrace it's Pura Vida.
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