Friday, March 23, 2012

Ready. Set..


Here she is! is official and LIVE!!  My little project is public and I can blab about it all I want now and so can you!  Check out the website at and let me know what you think then quickly grab your calendar and book an event!  I promise you won't be disappointed.
I can't thank my girl Keri enough for all the hard work she did to give this little project legs.  The creativity and unbelievable patience she exhibited while trying to corral my left sided brain into a right brained project was amazing.  Many evenings were spent at my dining room table trying desperately to understand my vision and shape it into what you see on the website.  Let's just say that the final product is a far cry from where we began last September!  Thank you so much, Keri, for everything you did and for only giving me semi-puzzled head cocked sideways stares when I would constantly change my idea, shift my colors, fuss over fonts, and generally make you bite your lip, pause, and slowly say, "Okay...."  You could have easily thrown up your hands and said "you are one crazy train mofo and this gig is over"  but you didn't and you stuck with me and I owe as big as one could possibly owe anyone.  Thank you, thank you, thank you to you and your amazing team at Marketing Lab.  You made it all look very easy, and I know it wasn't.  I promise to make you proud!

And another enormous thank you goes to Ms. Heather Fenske at Heather Fenske Photography.  Once again, you exemplify patience.  You are so talented, fun, and absolutely cool as a cucumber.  You must check out her website and make your appointment now!  She is a busy chick and trust me, you're gonna want her!
And finally a huge GRACIAS to Matt at Evolution for Hair.  We shot our session at his studio in LynLake and the place is amazing.  Beautiful light, fun furniture, a gorgeous bar in the back and an over all laid back cool vibe.  And he gives one helluva blowout!!  XXOO
So there you have it.  I'm super excited about this project so help me spread the word and let's drink some wine together!

(FYI- not sure if Facebook and Twitter are properly linked yet but will be by early next week.)

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