Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wine Wednesday

House Wine Spring 2012
Hugl Gruner Veltliner

What the hell is that, you say?  It looks like a mouthful but it's actually pronounced just as you see it.  Grew-ner VELT-li-ner.  
Distinctive, delicious, and decidedly free of the "feline funk" quality I seem to be tiring of these days, Gruner is the perfect choice to stock your wine fridge with this season.  And most impressive is the price-pleasantly inexpensive at approximately $13.99 for a liter. Yes, a liter.  Don't be embarrassed about the size, it's quite appropriate to get a little extra bump for your buck so go ahead and indulge both yourself and your friends with one more pour from your purchase.  You deserve it.
I pulled out the super sized Hugl last weekend for a group and they all paused with a little, "ohhh, what is that?  I like that!"  Sold!  House wine decision confirmed.
Our weather here these last few weeks has been anything but typical so Gruner has been the perfect choice of late to quaff while sitting outside in the March sunshine. Gruner Veltliner is a grape indigenous to Austria that traces back to Roman times and possess a delightful minerality and tangy (but not tart) grapefruit quality that is superb on its own but is also an excellent accompaniment to food.  The marriage of a good Gruner with Asian spices, most notably lemongrass and coconut is most definitely one that your palate will remember.  Some of my most memorable food and wine combinations are Gruner Veltliner and Vietnamese food; the subtlety of the wine and the aromatic nature of the food just go so beautifully together. 

Whether you can pronounce it or not, I know you will enjoy this delicious little Austrian number.  It is sure to please both you and your guests, on it's own or with your favorite summer dish, which is why it is my top pick for the perfect spring house wine.  Available at France 44 in Edina.  


Friday, March 23, 2012

Ready. Set..


Here she is! is official and LIVE!!  My little project is public and I can blab about it all I want now and so can you!  Check out the website at and let me know what you think then quickly grab your calendar and book an event!  I promise you won't be disappointed.
I can't thank my girl Keri enough for all the hard work she did to give this little project legs.  The creativity and unbelievable patience she exhibited while trying to corral my left sided brain into a right brained project was amazing.  Many evenings were spent at my dining room table trying desperately to understand my vision and shape it into what you see on the website.  Let's just say that the final product is a far cry from where we began last September!  Thank you so much, Keri, for everything you did and for only giving me semi-puzzled head cocked sideways stares when I would constantly change my idea, shift my colors, fuss over fonts, and generally make you bite your lip, pause, and slowly say, "Okay...."  You could have easily thrown up your hands and said "you are one crazy train mofo and this gig is over"  but you didn't and you stuck with me and I owe as big as one could possibly owe anyone.  Thank you, thank you, thank you to you and your amazing team at Marketing Lab.  You made it all look very easy, and I know it wasn't.  I promise to make you proud!

And another enormous thank you goes to Ms. Heather Fenske at Heather Fenske Photography.  Once again, you exemplify patience.  You are so talented, fun, and absolutely cool as a cucumber.  You must check out her website and make your appointment now!  She is a busy chick and trust me, you're gonna want her!
And finally a huge GRACIAS to Matt at Evolution for Hair.  We shot our session at his studio in LynLake and the place is amazing.  Beautiful light, fun furniture, a gorgeous bar in the back and an over all laid back cool vibe.  And he gives one helluva blowout!!  XXOO
So there you have it.  I'm super excited about this project so help me spread the word and let's drink some wine together!

(FYI- not sure if Facebook and Twitter are properly linked yet but will be by early next week.)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pinterest Friday

Happy Friday Everyone!  Ya gotta love Pinterest to jump start the weekend with a few inspirational quotes.  The colors, the fonts, the
Cheers to the frickin' weekend- I hope it's a good one!

Hello weekend!

Remember to keep a happy attitude...

and of course, a sense of humor.

Go after your dreams...

always work hard...

be positive and...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Children's Defense Fund- Beat the Odds

On Friday, March 16th The Children's Defense Fund will host it's 20th annual charity event at The Depot in Minneapolis.  It proves to be a spectacular night raising funds that go to one of the most important causes I can imagine- America's youth.  

"The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a non-profit child advocacy organization that has worked relentlessly for over 35 years to ensure a level playing field for all children. We champion policies and programs that lift children out of poverty; protect them from abuse and neglect; and ensure their access to health care, quality education and a moral and spiritual foundation. Supported by foundation and corporate grants and individual donations,CDF advocates nationwide on behalf of children to ensure children are always a priority."

"...The Children's Defense Fund grew out of the Civil Rights Movement under the leadership of Marian Wright Edelman, the first Black woman admitted to the Mississippi Bar.  Mrs. Edelman directed the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund office in Jackson, Miss.; worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as counsel for his Poor People's Campaign; and dedicated her early career to defending the civil liberties of people struggling to overcome poverty and discrimination. In 1969, Mrs. Edelman began the Washington Research Project, a public interest law firm that monitored federal programs for low-income families and, out of that initiative, she founded the Children's Defense Fund in 1973.

Yet, in the wealthiest nation on earth, millions of children still do not get the head start in life they need and the opportunities to fulfill their God-given potential. That is why we must continue to be a loud and persistent voice for every child..."
The final line of CDF's mission statement was enough to hook me.  It says it all.  How can the wealthiest nation on the planet leave so many kids behind?  How is poverty so rampant (right now 1 in 10 Minnesotan's are at risk of missing a meal) in a nation that is so fortunate?  You have the power to do your part, no matter how big or how small.  Educate yourself on what this amazing non-profit is doing for our kids- yes, OUR kids.  Our nation's future.  Participate, get involved, get informed.
I hope to see you there!
*all quotes taken from