I was so excited when I opened my email this morning to learn that The Spectacular Bitch has gone live! In case you're wondering, the SB is the sassy female alter ego to the Magnificent Bastard and she is finally ready to hand out opinions and advice on everything from Lady Gaga to sartorial sloughing, as in "Uggs are basically the boot equivalent of sweatpants, and as such, they will make your feet feel like two depressed fat asses with one hand on the remote control and one hand buried in a bag of Cheetos". You will also love her general musings on pop culture, vino, music, and trends doled out freely in her signature brawny, sometimes backhanded, brazen humor.
The site is basically a mirror image (in pink) of the MB's and the witty, sassy, flirtatious tone of The Spectacular Bitch is part condescending, part sweet tart- my favorite combination. I have been lucky enough to meet The SB in person once and she comes off demure in both stature and demeanor, soft spoken and appropriate. Who knew she had all that peevish sauciness bottled up in her bad ass Latina self! You Go Girl- Congrats! And congrats to The MB for finally getting off his lazy, chino clad ass and building the code to allow her to go LIVE! We can now officially crack open the Vino Blanco and toast to the launch of what will surely be a great site.
Viva Spectacular Bitch! Salud!
Sorry, obviously I don't know how to use Spanish punctuation on my computer. SB, can you help me out?
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