Viva Las Vegas!

This weekend we are jetting off for another 40th celebration in, you guessed it, Sin City. Mr. C's BFF is crossing over to the dark side and has invited us along for the ride. Now, Mr. C's BFF, whom we shall call Uncle Bub, is no stranger to a good time, especially in Vegas. Let's just say he and Mr. C have spent a night or two trolling this crazy town together; winning money, losing money, seeing shows (and not the Cirque de Soleil types), and causing a little bit of general mayhem in various hotels over the years. Thank GOD the wives are invited this time around- I'm not sure Vegas could handle these two on a 40th birthday bender.
So, what does it mean to head out to Vegas as a 40 year old? Hopefully it doesn't include a tiger in the bathroom, a baby in the closet, a small Asian man flying out of the trunk of a car, Mike Tyson, or any missing teeth. (OK- if you don't know what I'm talking about here you clearly have not seen The Hangover. Stop reading right now, go watch it and get back to me when you are privy to popular culture.)
It means a nice hotel (The Bellagio), a few nice meals (no 3 a.m. buffets), and a private VIP lounge at Tabu so we are not forced to dance with the masses (a little different than bumping and grinding next to drooling, drunken bachelors on their last night of freedom) at The Luxor.
Of course there will be a little gambling. Who can resist fresh oxygen being pumped into the casinos with all those bells dinging and coins clanking? And don't you just love the crowds leaning around the Roulette tables when someone is on a roll (no pun intended)? I absolutely hate to admit how much I love the energy in Vegas. It never sleeps (maybe between 4 am and 5 am it takes a little snooze) and there is constant action. I know it comes from seedy roots, but Vegas has really cleaned up its act in the last 12 years. Every serious chef from coast to coast has an outpost there. The hotels are gorgeous. The spas are pretty killer. And don't forget about Celine Dion. What's not to love?
Viva Las Vegas and Happy 40th Uncle Bub!!!
The Bellagio
Let's just say there are people that love Las Vegas, and people that hate Las Vegas. I happen to be one of those people that L-O-V-E Vegas!
Surprised? Yeah right.
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