Keawala'i Church- Makena, Maui

We are up to our eyeballs in snow here in Minnesota. No, scratch that, it's higher. The snow stands taller then me on either side of our driveway and it's piled so high in front of our windows I feel like I am living in some sort of igloo. It pretty much sucks. It's not like the pretty, fluffy December snow that fell to make the holiday jolly. That's over. January hits and everything novel about the whole snow deal skids to a halt. And now it is the end of February and just in case we stopped to enjoy our mini spring melt last week, wham! We got walloped again. Yeah, AGAIN! As in like, the seventeenth blizzard of the season, but we stayed cozy inside reminiscing about our wedding day twelve years earlier.
Maui. Ahhhh...
Can't you just smell it? Can't you just hear the waves, the ukulele?
Perfect. Sunny. Magical.

oh my- how young we look!
In 1999 we had an entire week with our closest family and friends making unforgettable memories to officially start our life together. I can't believe it's been twelve years. Three kids, seven moves, twice as many jobs between the two of us, one family business, loads of love, lots of arguments, and more fun today then I think we have ever had together. Life is good. Really, really good. I appreciate you everyday Mr. C. Your hard work, your generosity, your commitment to our family and the life we have worked so hard to build together. You rocked my world when I met you at 20 Tank in San Francisco many moons ago, and you rock my world today when you walk through the door into our crazy, messy, fun, wonderful world every evening. You understand the little things as well as the big picture. You have patience when mine flies out the window. Your Saturday Night Live worthy sense of humor makes me laugh until my sides hurt. I know this is veering off into the sappy Valentine's Day post category, but hey, twelve years- it's a big deal.
Happy 12th Anniversary!
I Love this, and Ugh! that photo!!