and I want everyone to know it.
No, it's not Mr. C. In fact, he's in love with this MB also. If you don't know Dack Ragus, aka, The Magnificent Bastard, you're missing out.

Well, as it turns out, this Dack fellow is a pretty interesting chap; a real one of a kind. He is the Minneapolis (actually Edina, but we don't want to embarrass him) based editor of The Magnificant Bastard and if you haven't read his stuff you need to get yourself over to his website (preferably with a big fat cocktail or three) and be prepared to stay awhile. It appears that aside from his sartorial musings for the modern man, he is all about deconstructing the "toolbag". There are only 90 postings on what it is to be a toolbag and what a criminal act of "toolbaggery" may be. If you ever thought there was even the slightest chance you might be a toolbag, you need to check with the MB.
And then there is his female alter ego, The Spectacular Bitch. The SB and the MB are the perfect compliment to one another- sassy, salty, sarcastic.
Words cannot describe...just read for yourself, toolbag.