Is a Christmas card from you. That's right. A REAL Christmas card.

Thanksgiving was great...but I really, really LOVE Christmas. I love so many things about it that I am going to have to space myself out here and stick to one particular subject or I will go off on a crazy, merry merry, ho ho ho, red and green type of tangent....but you get it, I really love Christmas. And I love to get Christmas cards, so all of you out there that are thinking of going all Paperless Post on it.
I need the real deal, the hang it on my wall and admire it kind of deal. The "look how much the kids" have grown type of thrill. I understand we need to do our part with the environment and all, but just not with the
Beloved Christmas Card.

I also understand that it's neither an easy task, nor an inexpensive one. There's the annual get the kids shined up and lined up with smiles on their faces photo session (cha ching), there is choosing your card (double Cha Ching depending on how big your list is and how elaborate your design is), then there is the time involved in addressing each envelope, and finally the postage. It's a cost I don't want to total up each year. But trust me....I appreciate all you do to get me that sweet card each year. It goes on my pantry. Everyone admires it for at least a month. I pack it away and then admire it again the following year when I unpack the enormous Target bin of Christmas paraphernalia. I really, really appreciate the effort and tradition of the The Christmas Card, so please. I beg you. Don't go paperless this holiday season.
Whether you get your card at Shutterfly, Snapfish, Costco, Minted, Target, Tiny Prints, Fine Stationery, or use your photographers own design, just gimme something I can put on my wall. I know it's piggy of me, but I am pro paper all the way for certain things that involve traditional correspondence. I still have not fully embraced Evite and a thank you note just can't be sent by email. And the cherished Christmas card, please Santa...
don't let it go away.
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