Monday, September 30, 2013

Rules of The Blog

Apparently Rule #1 of blogging is to not leave your blog unattended for too long.  Woops.  Guilty as charged.  Well, I'm going to try to change that as I want to write more but simply haven't as of late because I often think, who really cares?  Really, truly?  A blog is a blog is a blog...blah, blah, blah.  It was easy to say, "I've been too busy."  But, umm, well, that's not exactly the case here...

It seems like every time I sat at my computer over the last six to nine months I couldn't sort out my thoughts.  Creative words never arrived and antidotes that I would typically find amusing just sounded inane once they were typed.  Everything felt disjointed and ridiculous; a constant stream of starts and stops that just couldn't get assembled into cohesive, coherent paragraphs.  What was wrong with me?  I couldn't figure out what was going on and why I couldn't brazenly, unabashedly spew my opinions to the wind anymore like I used to do.  Then one day as I was walking around the lake it hit me like lightening.  As I kept unsuccessfully trying to publish post after post I discovered that I was thinking too much about what other people would want to read, not necessarily what I wanted to say.  Would people laugh?  Would they be touched?  Would they say, "Okay, it's finally time to delete this garbage out of my Inbox" ? I started this "diary/journal/blog"  to track personal and family milestones; to share ideas and opinions and even the occasional recipe, travel tip, or musical fancy.  I met a lot of great people from writing this blog and in it's own way it led me to some very interesting possibilities and opportunities that otherwise would have never come my way.  I never wanted to be a dead, unread entry in someones email graveyard but I found myself caring about it, which is not what this little blog is for.  

I like to write and I like what this space has brought me with all of it's dangling participles, erratic thoughts, indulgent ramblings and sometimes offensive opinions.  Love it or delete it, Mofo's.  I'm going back to basics, as well as the colors this page used to wear.  Why did I think I liked gray?  It's time to brighten it up and lighten it up.  Thanks for rollin' with me...

Oh, and by the way...

Kidding.  Sort of...
