It's been one hell of a winter. Horrible. Unbearable and long. Dreary. Downright torturous as far as weather is concerned. But you know what else is equally as torturous? Listening to people complain about it for months on end. I'm guilty of it, everyone is, but seriously it's only weather. If all I have to complain about is the weather then my life is pretty freaking amazing. Seriously. My children are healthy, I have a roof over my head (even though it has been leaking once again in my office due to the God damn ice dam that just couldn't stay away yet again this winter) and food on my table. I. Am. Lucky. Really lucky, so weather, you can kiss my ass.
Even if it is raining ice at the moment and I am still wearing a puffy jacket and my youngest is still required to haul boots and snow pants back and forth to school, this weather can suck it. You can see by my writing habits that I pretty much close up like a three season porch for the winter as I do believe I have posted once since November. Yet we stay. I stay. We endure. We trudge through the slop, the cold, the howling wind and the overall bullshit we must deal with in this part of the country. It is not supposed to snow at the end of April and I'm not exactly sure why I have chosen the single ugliest Spring day I have ever seen to come out of my writing hole, but I suppose I just can't take it anymore. The sun will shine, God damnit. The grass will turn green. I will drink Rosé in the proper weather conditions in my backyard again. My children will swim in an outdoor pool in this state. It just might be a while. But in the meantime I am getting back to writing, so watch out, we have a lot of catching up to do.